Board Meeting Preparation

The agenda of the board meeting is among the most important elements for an effective board meeting. A well-crafted meeting agenda will help focus the discussion and minimize time spent on unimportant topics. It will also ensure that all board members are prepared to participate in the current issues.

Before the board meeting the executive team must concentrate on a few strategic topics they would like to get out of the meeting. This will help avoid the possibility of a boardroom train that is sped up and keep the discussion productive and meaningful.

The board admin should then distribute the agenda to all directors so that they can examine it prior to the meeting. This lets them highlight key points and data room prepare any questions they might have ahead of time. Furthermore directors are given the opportunity to submit any reports that must be submitted or reviewed.

The general counsel, or a designated representative should also look over any documents created by management to ensure consistency and look for errors. They should also look for a section the names of attendees and draft resolution language for any decisions which will need to be made.

Lastly, the chair should contact chairpersons or directors who were assigned action items from prior meetings to ensure that they are in the right direction. This is a great method to keep track of any developments and provide a timely status update.