Board of Directors Vs Advisory Board

Choosing the best board structure for your business is an important decision with significant implications. Two options that are commonly discussed are the board of directors as well as an advisory board. Both have distinct functions and affect the organization in different ways. The decision of which other depends on your goals and needs.

Advisory boards are less formal than a board of directors and are easier to set up, expand or reduce in size as required. Furthermore, the members are usually recruited on temporary periods and are easily replaced as required. A board of directors is more difficult to keep and recruit, as they are legally responsible for the decisions they make.

An advisory board is comprised of individuals who provide advice and assistance to the company but are not legally obligated to it. The members of an advisory committee are an opportunity for the executive and CEO to draw on their knowledge and experience, assisting them to make informed decisions that impact the business. An advisory board is a great tool for companies in the early stages as it allows for mentoring and guidance without the additional responsibility of oversight, governance and control.

When deciding on the most suitable board for your company think about how it can help you meet your current business requirements and implement a long-term plan. When you are deciding on board members, look for individuals with a variety of capabilities and expertise who are open to new ideas and new ideas.